Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Branch Service Department Manual approves appointing Child molestors as Elders
by stuckinamovement in
Brokeback Watchtower
Yes elders should ask but that doesn't neccesarily mean he won't be appointed in some case it was already known to the body to be such as case history shows: that a person has molested a child was reproved or df's got reinstated and work his way up to elder. So this question is doesn't specify disqualification. -
What are the possible end results from the RC?
by Bob Loblaw insorry if this has already been discussed, but,...besides, of course, a black eye on the org, what can come of this royal commission hearing legally or criminally?
according to the rc's website:.
"the royal commission holds formal public hearings to hear evidence about child sexual abuse within institutions.
Brokeback Watchtower
They will comply or be faced with "increased discipline" according to the RC. I'm sure "increased discipline" includes heavy fines.
"It’s important to remember that the Royal Commission is not a court of law and cannot make decisions about criminal matters. Rather, the Commissioners will deliver recommendations based on what they discover during a public hearing."
I'm sure all this discovery will bring up facts that can latter be used in a court of laws to put some behind bars and win big lawsuits in many counties around the world but especially in it's territories.
How many of the 1.006 alleged abusers will be investigated by Police?
by Listener inthe commission has the names of 1,006 alleged abusers within australian congregations since 1950. some will have died and others will already have been prosecuted but the branch did not report any of these allegations to police.. the terms of reference for the royal commission is more about redress for the victims but that can include criminal prosecution although they are more focused on financial compensation.. however, now that they have the names of 1,006 potential criminals there is some responsibility to see that they are dealt with criminally.
it appears to be in their authority to have cases followed through by referring them for further investigation.
this is clear because the commissioner has recently reported that to date, they have done so in 493 cases identified within the scope of their commission.
Brokeback Watchtower
I sure the Commission will be notifying everyone connected with the those legal cases from 1950 onward many are dead from the very early ones but the more recent ones from the 80's 90's to today those are the ones that need treatment and compensation I think the commission will reach a big number. -
Do you feel vindicated by the exposure of the WT Society in Australia? It seems like a feeding frenzy on here! I love it. You?
by Wasanelder Once inare you pleased with the exposure of the society in australia?
do you feel personally vindicated by it?
do you think it gives you credibility with others now that all the things you said were going on, actually are documented?
Brokeback Watchtower
I think Australia is gonna be saturated in apostate JWs boy will their committee rooms be busy disfellowshipping those who speak against the organization. NOT!!! -
Does the royal commission have the power to force the Jws to change how abuse is handled?
by hoser ini'm wondering if this is just a hearing or if this commission has teeth?.
some very damning things coming out nonetheless .
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm sure the Commission will dutifully pass the word to each and every JW in their territory. And I think that an announcement might have to be made at their kingdom halls attended by members of the court might be in order a long with an announcements for victim to come fourth. I mean it only stand reasonable that each member should be informed and meet together some how to discuss these things.
I'm sure many JWs are already receiving counseling due to this investigation.
Does the royal commission have the power to force the Jws to change how abuse is handled?
by hoser ini'm wondering if this is just a hearing or if this commission has teeth?.
some very damning things coming out nonetheless .
Brokeback Watchtower
"Increased disciple" says it all if they don't comply they will be forced to maybe not this week but they will comply or else find out first hand what increase disciple legally means I'm sure the document composed of many pages will spell it out for them and they will comply.
And I'm sure the proper authorities in the USA are going to be informed what these jerks on the Governing Body are doing to their flock of sheep. The message is you got a destructive end of the world cult that need to be reined in for common decency for Christ's sake!
Why are none of the 'Governing Body' being summoned to any of the abuse commissions?
by GodZoo ini'm not sure if this has been covered but i'm wondering why none of the gb are being requested at or formally summoned to any of the australian abuse commissions or other investigations that are taking place around the world?
they after all are the ones single handedly responsible for making and enforcing all the rules that are the sole cause of all these abuses and problems.. why are they just keeping their silent distance and leaving all the ill-equipped and sadly incompetent local elders exposed to take the full public blast, criticism and humiliation for all that is now being brought out in these investigations?
how are they seemingly able to sit cosy in their ivory tower immune and unaccountable?.
Brokeback Watchtower
Maybe they might get a call to attend I'm "hoping" but if not then maybe after the investigation is finished maybe formal charges might come forth for a criminal trial which they might have to attend especially Loesch of any GB that has a definite connection with things that transpired in Australia. -
1,000 sex abuse cases hidden in Australia for 68,000 publishers...what is it worldwide?
by cappytan inthe press is reporting that over 1,000 cases of abuse were hidden from authorities in australia.. australia has around 68,000 publishers.. if you that ratio applied to the u.s. also, there could be over 14,700 cases that were covered up here.. if the ratio held the same worldwide, that would be over 117,600 cases.. just let that sink in a little..
Brokeback Watchtower
I wonder if things got real bad that many in the legal department might jump ship. -
Governing Body, painted in a corner, now what?
by Wasanelder Once inthe governing body have painted themselves in a corner, so to speak.
if they acknowledge their response to abuse claims was insensitive, unloving and inadequate they are denying the belief that "god's way" is best and risk losing abuse cases.
if they stick with it and say it is "god's way according to the bible" they will be seen as cult leaders and risk losing abuse cases.
Brokeback Watchtower
If they(GB) ever got a summons to appear before this investigation and force some how to attend I think they would be on suicide watch for a long time afterward. I'm sure they are in some very deep doo doo and their insulation from the consequences is rapidly deteriorating I think these GB might be headed for the pen pretty soon along with other co conspirators from the legal department, and service department may even a few helpers to the Governing Body .
How would Australia handle criminal charges against a foreign person is there a way they could do this and bring these deluded clown to some sort of justice?
Australian Witnesses shock bombshelled!! Arrogant Elders at Commision on Pedophiles!!
by Witness 007 ingetting alot of e-mails from angry brothers saying things like i qoute "this is the straw broke the camels back.." "bloody idiots.." etc.
last nights news featured the australian commision into jehovah's witness elders not reporting pedophiles.
it was very damning!
Brokeback Watchtower
Hey I'm sure these guys on the Commission have privately viewed the Sparlock, video as well as the one telling deaf people not to masturbate, as well as the ones telling minors to hand over their ice cream money to this money hungry corporation.
It's all there on their website, along with Lip Flapping Letts special denial speech. I'm sure they are monitoring their web site for evidence.